The past few weeks I've set my class intention toward opening the heart. We practiced heart openers such as Camel Pose and Side Angel Pose. The classes focused on the Prana, the vitality of life and spirit. We breathed into our heart, creating a little more space in the chest through our movements on the mat. My students were slowly setting their hearts free.

I witnessed something that truly enveloped me as a teacher; pure, raw truth. It was a beautiful experience. Removing our hearts from our protectors, whether it be bars, a box or drape, can be tumultuous, shocking, soothing, and a relief, just to name a few. Practice on your mat in a safe place, perhaps in your own home or with a teacher you trust. Let It Rip. Succumb to your heart, let it take up more space in your body by exploring open poses and emotions. Acknowledge what you feel. Allow yourself to take your time through transitional poses and breath deep down into the belly, using your exhale as a release of tension, anxiety and judgement. After several chest openers allowing your emotions to spiral through your body, find yourself on the other end in Svasana with a pillow under your heart. Perhaps you are little more open to yourself and to others around you.

Rekindle the love you carry for yourself, let it radiate through your organs, and you will no doubt brighten another person's life.
An honest practice of Yoga, of union, for the world.