Sunie Yoga

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Four Agreements

For the past few weeks, my goal has been to seek clarity.  Clarity in love, clarity in my work, clarity in my living situation, clarity in my home, clarity in my lifestyle, clarity in my choices, and may the list go on.

Life is so busy I struggle to find the time to be myself, to be genuine with my friends and acquaintances, to sit with my heart and mind and truly listen to what I want and need.

Seeking clarity has reminded me of a calendar my father gave me some years ago based off of the book, "The Four Agreements." This was something I hadn't much appreciation for when I was in my late teens/early twenties, but, as we know, the older we get the more experience and, hopefully, wisdom we receive along the way.  Our human potential is enormous.  We all have so much love to give and so much light within ourselves, how do we tap into it and let that be who we are on a daily basis?  

Dig deep down into the bottom of the heart, trust what we feel and follow what comes from our genuine being. If we can get rid of all the excess - jealously, fear, anxiety, sadness, etc. we can express who we truly are with no judgement.

The Four Agreements:

"Be Impeccable with Your Word"
Not only with the people around you, but with yourself. Be kind, honest and true with your language. And give what you honestly can to all beings.

"Don't Take Anything Personally"
When someone says or does something hurtful, remember, it is a reflection of themselves.  That doesn't mean they are a bad person, but they too are working towards finding their genuine self and challenges come up in their lives that bring out certain experiences and expectations they may project onto you. Let it slide off.  Forgiveness and letting go are the hardest and most important lessons to learn.

"Don't Make Assumptions"
When you assume, you hurt someone else and yourself.  We don't know what others think, we cannot be in their heads. We may think someone did something or acted the way they did because of what we think we know, but it's actually only an assumption and likely incorrect.

"Always Do Your Best"
There is no other way to function. If we are just getting by, we are not truly living. Find what you do best and do it, not for want of fortune and fame, but for yourself.  Allow your light to shine brightly!

I'm no perfect Yogi. I must continuously remind myself of these agreements on a regular basis. I have been known to make many mistakes along the way because of my own fears, but I find a way to forgive myself and strive to do my best. I hope to greet you when you are doing your best as well.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Never Too Late

It's never too late.

Need to tell someone you love them, even if you haven't spoken in years?  Tell them.
Need to quit eating junk food, but you're already 50 pounds overweight?  Quit it.
Need to run a marathon, but you think you might be getting too old?  Train and run it.
Always wanted to get a Bachelor's Degree, but that time seems to have come and gone?  Get one.
Been meaning to take your partner to Hawaii but haven't gotten the chance?  Go.
Need to apologize, but feel they're in the wrong too?  Apologize with or without their agreement.
How long have you been wanting to buy that car?  Save the money and buy it.
Need a break?  Take it.

Don't hold grudges.  So they made a mistake, so you made a mistake.  Let it go and build a better life for the the future of each other and our children.

Life is short.  Have a desire?  Just do it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Water the Plants

Sometimes we forget to water the plants.
Sometimes we forget to give the plants their needed sunlight.
Sometimes we forget to give them a little attention by rotating them or talking with them.
The plants will begin to wilt and shiver.

To a plant, the sun, water and good company are its essence.  We have the power to give the plant life or take it away.  If we talk to our plants, giving them some love and attention, they will grow more beautifully than the year before.

We humans are the same way.  If we forget to feed each other and ourselves what we need, our life is diminished.  Take the time you need to indulge in a little water and food, a little sunlight and warmth and a little love and attention.  When we touch one another, we can heal.  Listen to what you need.  It's never too late to tend to your own and each other's body and soul.  Water the plants and you will establish roots.  You will see such beauty grow and flourish in your life.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Stick to your Practice

When you feel like your life is a whirlwind and you can't get your grip, when you feel like your feet have been swept up from underneath you and you can't make out upright from upside down, when you feel like you can hardly catch your breath, when you finally notice your breath and realize it's shallow and fast, when you feel like you're standing directly in a wind storm and rain is pelting you in the face and there is no one around to give you a hand, when you can't sleep at night because something has happened that makes your mind race... come back to your practice, whatever that may be, come back to it.

Perhaps you meditate, go for a jog or a walk, practice Yoga, cuddle with a loved one, listen to music, artistically create for yourself, etc.  Remind yourself of it and do it.

There will always be times when you feel like your life is out of control, when you put too much out into the world and get nothing back in return but pain and overwhelming instability, when you're lost, unfocused and confused.  Set aside some time to practice.  Take a deep breath and tell yourself everything is alright.

There is nothing holding you back but yourself.  You can place blame on other people or certain situations in your life, but you have created them, you have chosen the people who are in your life, you have given yourself the life you lead.  Constraints are not constraints unless you choose to let them be.  There is nothing holding you back but yourself.

When people have too much going on in their lives and not enough down time, little will end well.  You may try to constantly multitask or stretch yourself too thin; no good will come of it.  In fact, it's near impossible for humans to function well that way.

Hold on, breathe and stick to your practice!  It will always serve you, no matter what you are going through, no matter where you are.  It will serve you.

As you continue to live, you will find love will shine on places you never thought you'd come to see.

Life is full of challenges.  It's how we handle them that defines who we are.  I am grateful to say I have gone through some enormous storms these past 6 months with a smile on my face and laughter in my heart.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is Worth Celebrating

Find yourself seated and allow a stillness to settle in.
Bring your awareness to your heart center.  
Feel the breath flowing through.
What does it feel like as it passes through your chest, past your heart and into the belly?
If you are able to find a a deep stillness, can you feel your heart beat?
Feel the vibrations your body creates and sends into our world.
Connect with the love you feel for yourself and for others.
Allow a small smile to come over your face.
Notice the shift.
Do you feel more connected to your heart center?
Allow your love and compassion to flow through your breath.
Place a hand over your heart and close your eyes for 14 breaths.

It is a beautiful day.  Whether you have another Valentine or not, we can all celebrate love because we can love ourselves.

Connect to a meditation on love.  Think of 5 things you love about yourself.  Really give yourself a chance to reflect on why and what each thing is.  Notice what feelings this reflection brings over you as you focus your awareness on yourself.  Breathe.  Tell yourself, "I love you."

We are such fortunate beings to have the power to love.  There is never any shame in loving.  There is never any hate in loving.  There is only an enormous feeling of joy in our hearts that we can pass along into this world making the world a better place.  Always allow love to shine out as love is the greatest thing we have and can offer to each other.

Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Roll with the Punches

There are days where I wish I could pause my life and come back to it when I'm ready.  There are days where I'd like to press the rewind button.  There are days where I feel like someone punched me in the stomach and finding the courage to stand up again seems impossible, where so much is happening I can't keep up, as if I'm swimming in a huge pile of unopened mail.  Days where I want to wallow and scream and drop the ball and, And, AND!

Do you feel all those envelopes piling up and weighing you down?

Find the top, sit on it and breathe.

The only way to get through any day, whether good or bad, is to ride along the wave.  It may come crashing down on you at times, but sooner or later you'll be back on top seeing the world from a completely different point of view.

Listen to your instincts, feel your feelings, respond as yourself and then let it be.  The world will give you what you need.  Don't fight it, there is no point, it will only frustrate you.  Just let it be.  Roll with the punches.  You will see, it is all meant for the best.  It is.  Believe it and you will find you can live your life so much more freely.  Life truly is a breath of fresh air, you just have to go along with it.  Yes, strive to know who you are, be the best you can be and listen to your heart.  That's all we can do.  The world, The Universe, God or whatever you believe continues to make the world go round will see to it that you live the life you were born to live.

Ahhhh... now where did all that mail go?

Friday, February 1, 2013


Have you accomplished something in your life that calls for a celebration?
An anniversary?  Finally got into a Yoga pose you've been trying for months?  New job?  Kicked a bad habit?  Ran a 10k?

Just yesterday I repossessed my home.  And even though it was a terrible experience and a bad situation to have ever been in, I'm pleased with the outcome and I want to celebrate.  There is nothing wrong with that!

No matter how much or how little happens in your life that is a cause for a celebration, embrace them.  Invite all your loved ones, open your home and smile with people around you that care about you, go out for a walk in nature and laugh and sing and play.  Surround yourself with love and you will feel the energy and peace your life brings to yourself and to others.

 Honor yourself.  You are a special being and have a lot to offer this world.

Enjoy yourself.