Sunie Yoga

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Be Determined: It's a New Year

If you are someone who has several complete moments of clarity where you know exactly what you want and how you want it, count your blessings.  Not only do many of us struggle deciphering what exactly we want, but when we are finally confronted by the offer, we often miss it or ignore it as it doesn't seem to be the right time or opportunity.

This doesn't necessarily need to be a life changing desire or heavy moment of realization, it can be as simple as getting up and dancing when you want or applying to a job you've always thought you'd enjoy, but it may end up being life changing, so prepare yourself.  Don't waste your time holding back, wondering, second guessing... Go for it.  Make the opportunity and then take it.

Don't hold back.  Take the risk.  Let go.  Every moment counts, including this one.

Break your routine.  Listen to yourself.

Now is the time.

HAPPY 2014!